
Guitar-shopping and some of something

Hi-Hi! We restarted our little russian text-rpg and my Girl is very happy now 
But I really can't understand why do we so different to be like this?! 

It's in my style but she's too elegant to be like this 

Couple days ago we went to a little date with my Baby, and found THIS! And JROCKStar Magazine 
 Wherer it was the same poster
 So we have two and the same posters 

So now we have a big adjunction :3

Tried new ice-cream To be honest Twix I liked more than Snickers or Mars 

Uru's mom sent us some sorts of tea and I'm happy of it Strawberry, berhamoth, raspberry, orange, truffle, melissa, christmass mystery with smell of cinnamon... But I can't feel any smell: and it's not a pity for me 

Bought couple of scissors 

And took a little bit good and strange shoot of myself 

Also it was a little music-shopping day yesterday I bought to my Sweetheart cable and a strap to her guitar, so now she can play more comfortable and better Very interesting and offending in one side 

I get a little notice with a little plan like a 'what-to-do-list' but not this 
For example, I wanna buy Photoshop install-CD, cause' I have only pixlr-o-matic to edit my photos; and I'm not delighted with most of effects. And also I want to learn most of  'tricks' of Photoshop, 'cause I'm at the level of the kettle 


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