
LTNS [ Long Time No See ]

Oh, hej! Hur står det till? Hope best! \(⌒∇⌒)
You know, I'm just shockking but I started learning swedish. Really, don't know why.
And to be honest I was too lasy to wright earlier but i wanted to. 
I took so much photos in the Center, Halls etc. But... I'm too lasy...
↓ But I publish some of them of prepairing our city to Christmas and NY. 


Think it's the first time when I'm inspirated of this and of XMas Spirit. Ehh, I dislike celebrations and holidays... But within years with my little Girl I take inspiration from her who took inspiration even from grass and adore all of the american holidays and haliday's spirits. 

My vocal instructor retires. I thought that I found person who want to work with me, whose method of teaching suits me. I'm taking my vocal lessons for a year and it's my 4th teacher. And I want just her to continue my lessons. What a pity...

A little bit photos from my birthday. As I remember I said that I did a little present to myself doing piercing. 4 punctures for a one time. And it's a second time when I did it. 3 years ago I did the same present to myself for a BDay, but something had gone wrong and it's overgrowned.
← That's how my ear looks now.

I a little bit changed my URL and the name of blog. Now I'm planning to learn PS to make a head of my blog. I really want to. But my notebook is not workable.
And... eeh... I want be kawaii!!! But I'm too manlike to be this. 
.: THE END :. 

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